Tymeac Properties
secure | reliable | manageable | fault tolerant.
Tymeac Server runs without direct connections to any other Tymeac Server [single affinity].
Tymeac has no communication facilities.
Class loading within Tymeac may be for local resources only,For the standard edition: findSystemClass(), or with a URLClassLoader.
For the micro edition: Class.forName()This ensures that no unauthorized modules enter the system.
While it is true that your user-written Classes may violate encapsulation, Tymeac itself is secure.
Tymeac was originally designed to manage asynchronous tasks in the transaction processing environment; the 24/7 arena of mission-critical applications.
Today, all the features that make Tymeac a highly reliable, fully mission-critical software product are available for the Java Virtual Machine.
- total number of 'threads per queue' limits to prevent thread overload,
- thread creation / destruction as necessary,
- thread activation according to thresholds, not chance,
- prioritized Queues for requests,
- extensive monitoring of the thread environment to pinpoint stalls,
- integrated recovery and re-scheduling for stalled requests,
- interfacing with user-controlled notification systems when problems arise,
- intermediate back-out for scheduling failures,
- support for synchronous (timed) requests as well as asynchronous (background) requests,
- standard edition GUI support to monitor and alter the environmentl,
- both editions Non-GUI support to monitor and alter the environmentl,
- logging of statistics at shutdown and on request,
- standard edition support for any DBMS through JDBC, to optionally store parameters and logs,
- support for non-DBMS parameters for a minimal footprint.
Tymeac is a table driven system.
Adding or removing a Function or Queue from your system is only a matter of a table change.
Changing the user-written application class that executes within a thread is only a matter of a table change.
Adding or removing threads from a Queue is only a matter of a table change.
Debugging the user-written application class is simple since it may be done by simulating a threading environment, with a single thread environment and with a multiple thread environment.
Tymeac provides almost unlimited control for managing the new thread algorithm. This assures that only those threads that are immediately necessary to process requests are active, saving valuable processor resources.
Prioritized Wait Lists provide the means to properly schedule requests and to assure users that the hot request gets immediate attention.
The entire execution environment is viewable through Tymeac GUI and Non-GUI Classes. Thread status is alterable. Queue data including the number of Wait List entries is alterable.
System statistics log at shut down and on request.
Fault tolerant
Optional timing of user requests provides immediate notification of an abnormal event.
Automatic back out provides for intermediate component failure.
A Monitor thread thoroughly examines the system at set intervals reallocating and freeing resources, and, notifying the users early warning system of potential problems.