Real World Examples



Hot Requests
Timing Requests
Asynchronous Requests
Flood and Ebb
Intermediate Back-out
Multiple Requests
Failure Containment
Parallel Processing
The Agent

Basic Backend Processing

An application need to place a request in a queue and have it processed in the background.


Setting up a prioritized queue, other than a simple vector, means a lot of code. Putting the request in and taking it out are easy, but reorganizing, browsing (with GUI's) and error recovery take a lot of time. Then there is the thread -- a multitude of things can go wrong there and every exception means more code.


Set up a Tymeac Queue with one or more threads.

All the classes to handle prioritized queues, multi-threading and GUI's are already built.


An application on the Backend Server has components that use a proprietary DBMS.


Each DBMS connection can only handle one request at a time but there are multiple connections available for each DBMS. By using several connections simultaneously, throughput can be greatly increased.


Set up a Tymeac Queue with multiple tasks for each component. Tymeac supports four thresholds to activate a task:

  1. When the number of outstanding requests in all wait lists exceeds an amount.
  2. When the number of outstanding requests in an individual wait list exceeds an amount.
  3. When the number of outstanding requests in an individual wait list plus a weighted factor exceeds an amount.
  4. When the number of outstanding requests in the average of all wait lists plus a weighted factor and considering the number of currently executing tasks exceeds an amount.

As the load on a Queue exceeds a threshold, Tymeac creates a new task to balance the load.

Hot Request

An application uses the backend process to schedule work on a document storing system.


Most of the time the processing is a FIFO. However, the 'hot' request needs to head queue.


Set up a Tymeac Queue with prioritized wait lists. The Tymeac Function normally places the request into wait list two (normal priority). When a high priority document enters the system, simply use priority one. The Tymeac Function places the request into waitlist one and the Queue task picks it up before the other requests.

Timing Requests

An application needs a service but can only wait three seconds for a response.


Timing sounds easy; when the time limit expires, end the unit of work. Building timing into each service is a lot of work. Each task of execution must interrupt its work to see if it is over the time limit. Additionally, some accesses use blocking and there is no way to break out of the blocking until the access is complete.


Tymeac supports timing as a standard feature. All services in Tymeac are with application tasks . Therefore, whether the application task is blocking or not is irrelevant.

Asynchronous (autonomous) Requests

An application simply needs to log the result of processing. It isn't always practical to stop, do the log and then continue. The application just wants to push the request off to a background process to do the logging.


Each "push" requires a new task to process the request. Eventually the System runs out of tasks or the task create/destroy overhead bogs down all the processing.


Tymeac supports autonomous processing as a standard feature. Set up a single Tymeac Queue with one or two tasks . Push the request into this Queue and let Tymeac manage the processing.

Flood and Ebb

A company's call centers are spread out over four time zones.


At 0730 local time each call center logs into corporate headquarters to establish communication and at 2030 local time the call center logs out. This results in a flood of activity but only for a few minutes in the morning and evening in each time zone. (E.G.   0730 at headquarters, time zone one floods; 0830 at headquarters, time zone two floods, etc.)  Thereafter, the activity is on an "as needed" basis.


Tymeac supports task creation/destruction on an as needed basis. You simply specify the maximum number of tasks each Queue needs, when to create the task (at Tymeac startup or when first needed) and how long to keep the task alive when the activity wanes (a few seconds or forever).

In this way, as each time zone floods headquarters with activity, there are sufficient tasks to process the requests. When the active period is over, the tasks cease as well.

Intermediate Back-out

An application is binary -- all components of the request succeed or the request is a failure.


Sometimes a component of the request does not schedule because the wait lists are full for that component or there are no tasks available, etc. In this binary scenario when one component does not schedule, then the request is a failure. Cancel this request at the earliest possible time.


Tymeac supports intermediate back-out as a standard feature. Un-scheduling the other components not only gets the response back to the client sooner it cuts down on processor cycles.

Multiple Requests

An application has a need to access several proprietary systems: data base, message queuing and networking. All these systems are all able to process many request from many sources simultaneously.


An application must "connect" to each of these systems. When the application finishes the instant request, it must "disconnect" from each system. This connect/disconnect results in a huge overhead.


Tymeac supports common user storage as a standard feature. Within this common storage users may place counts of how many requests may pass to a sub-system before a disconnect, users may keep connection pools and any other utilities necessary to control access to proprietary systems.

Think of this like a batch processing system. Your application fetches a request from the queue, processes that request and fetches the next request from the queue. Simple and straightforward.


A shop sets up a standard application that notifies a set of users when there is a new document in the system that may be of interest to them.


The notifying should be done in an asynchronous manner without the direct knowledge of each application. We don't want each application to include a class for this notify.


Tymeac supports recursive calls as a standard feature. Tymeac passes the reference to itself to every processing application class so that application may call the Tymeac Server as a client. Set up the notify as a Tymeac Function. Any application that needs to notify users simply calls the Tymeac Server with a new Function. All the work is handled asynchronously.

Failure Containment

An imaging application comprises access to three data bases to store an image in three formats. Each component has no relationship to the other components, it is completely independent.


Independent components have unique requirements for error recovery. Generally, when one part of a request fails it has an affect on the other parts and severely complicates recovery. The more components, the bigger the mess.


Tymeac Queues are completely independent of each other. Each processing application may do anything in any way without affecting any other application. If one imaging access fails, the error recovery logic is contained within only that application.

Parallel Processing

When a customer calls customer service, he needs a wide range of information from many sources. The customer service GUI is basically very simple: each pane has the information from a source.


The application must get this information from many different sources: file, DBMS etc. With a serial approach, the next access cannot start until the current access is complete. This results in long response times even for the panels where the information is local.


Parallel processing in Tymeac is standard. Set up a Tymeac Queue with one task for each component. A Tymeac Function places the request into each of these Queues. Since the processing is in parallel, as each processing application finishes, its information is available for display.


Similarly to the multiple requests and failure containment above, this application needs access to legacy systems that are not part of the base system.


An application must "get access" to each of these systems through the a Native Interface. Any failure here certainly means the destruction of the task and possible corruption of the immediate environment.


Tymeac supports any type of application. Tymeac has automated error recovery as well as manual error recovery when human intervention is necessary. Part of the manual recovery gives you the ability to terminate unresponsive tasks and create new tasks for each Queue.

The Agent

This application has multiple components that pass information to other systems. However, some of those systems pass back receipts and depending on the results, further action may need to be taken.


There are a huge number of requests and no reply is necessary for the requester. Some of the components need load balancing (number of tasks processing) while others need to process multiple requests between an open/close sequence (networking and message queuing systems). Additionally, some Queues need a synchronous access to other systems to wait for the receipt and need to make decisions depending on the outcome.


Set up a Tymeac Queue with multiple tasks for each component and an output Agent. A Tymeac Function places the request into each of these Queues. The processing is parallel. Tymeac balances the task load in each Queue with thresholds. By using Tymeac common storage, tasks within a queue may keep track of how many requests process between the open/close sequence.

When the last Queue finishes processing, Tymeac activates the output Agent. This Agent may parse the results of the other Queues and take any further action when needed.


This application has multiple components that pass information to other systems and some of those systems pass back receipts and depending on the results, further action needs to be taken. That action is a network request to a remote system when all went well or a callback to the requester when there is an anomaly.


There are a huge number of requests and no reply MAY BE necessary for the requester. Some of the components need load balancing (number of tasks processing) while others need to process multiple requests between an open/close sequence (networking and message queuing systems). Additionally, some Queues need a synchronous access to other systems to wait for the receipt and need to make decisions depending on the outcome.

When the outcome is normal, the application passes a message to a remote system. When the outcome is abnormal, the application passes a message back to the requester.


Set up a Tymeac Queue with multiple tasks for each component and an output Agent. A Tymeac Function places the request into each of these Queues. The processing is parallel. Tymeac balances the task load in each Queue with thresholds. By using Tymeac common storage, tasks within a queue may keep track of how many requests process between the open/close sequence.

When the last Queue finishes processing, Tymeac activates the output Agent. This Agent parses the results of the other Queues and uses a (Remote) Procedure Call  to pass the outcome either to the remote system (call-forward) or to back to the requester (call-back).